Thursday, August 27, 2009

Month Of Blessing

Today is fasting session. Today is blessing day. And today is the day where i had to study Chemistry and it made me struggle for awhile. Harder for me to score because i didn't study well last year. Today is tomorrow. I have to prepare for myself to face the great examination with my teacher, Mr.Wan Azman. He is the best teacher which probably causing me to score in every science subjects. heheheheh. nahh. It's all depend on my hard-work skill. OK, im off.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Lost

squeeze my eyes a lot. hitting table for unforgotten memory in my mind. tearing from my eyes on my face. Minor car accident which flew away chances to continue driving for rest of my life.
my LOVER, my IDOL, my WHOLE. Slipped away from my hand of god creation. plus,plus,plus,plus, it is the most embrassment that i ever had. I swear i gonna pay for the car repair. ohno.


Nuclear Centre.

Fun,fun,fun,fun.. This is the best day ever when 1st time stepped nuclear centre's ground. Bored,bored,bored,bored, After i see nothing but a plant, film-badges, and blablabla. I expect to see real nuclear like green like liquid in the big container which i always used to see in TV. =_=.
Hell no. waste RM 10 for transportation. Just flew away. But it's kayh. At least i got a knowledge about nuclear centre. huhhh.

