Sunday, April 11, 2010

SPM Result.

Out of my expectation! I hate this results! But actually quite good results and very Qualify A's! Erm, So I had to apply every university that suits me ( only in ENGINEERING!). My ambition since i was kiddo. well, I had nothing to tell about this day. Well, after taking my average SPM results. Me and my mom went to KFC restaurant having a lunch. Yeah, my mom's expression. Sometimes she's happy and sometimes sad. I felt soo restless and hopeless. Yeah, that' s me. Hopeless son. Never do anything good. RAghh!!! So I've to relieve myself to god (ALLAH!) That day was 13March2010.

20th April 2010.

Wahh. I haven't log in my own blog for several month (is it?). Ok, Here i'm gonna tell my good news and bad news. The good news is, that, i got an interview for UniKL and Politeknik Shah Alam. Soo, I'm sure 100% choose UniKL because there, are the best university that i ever heard about. I'm not gonna tell you about UniKL because it takes time. Well, The bad news is,that, I heard there's an IQ test and Math test. I read alot people who had an experiences of this interview for UniKL ( MIAT only). I don't care much about interviewing with interviewer. BUT the TEST!!! It makes worse-r. ( Actually i won't, only scare if i lose self-confident!). The interview are going happen on 20TH APRIL 2010 at 2PM. So i should get study by now. Maybe, I going start study at NIGHT. As usual, today is SUNDAY! and Today, I had nothing to-do. NO ACTIVITY!!! I'm SRCEWED!