Saturday, March 14, 2009

happy to tears.

afiq is moving from SUBANG tonight. so we went to one utama before he left us. we had fun and watch a movie, RACE TO WITCH MOUNT where DYWANE JOHNSON act as JACK! we did play snooker,bowling and football(speed ball test). afiq kicked ball within the best time which is 56mph.
that speed is same as JOE COLE. heheh. actually, i can be like that too. but my pants wont allowed me. my speed is 49mph. we did argue AZFAR to kick it! but he didn't. too bad he SHY. that kind of ROBOT need to upgrade! heheheh. i love hang out with AZHAD,AZFAR and AFIQ today. man, i miss u guys like hell! leaving from SUBANG doesn't mean leaving from our HEART! that's what friends are! byebye, AFIQ.

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