Thursday, June 25, 2009


oh yeah! i feel FREEDOM! but i have to study at home for the preparation of SPM. Right now, i'm studying ADDMATH which is hard to get A. i don't know why. This Saturday my parent have to see my mid-year result and will be comment by teacher. This Saturday is OPEN day.
good luck me.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


i had finished add-math project which could drive me crazy! the dateline is suppose to be TODAY but i could bodek-bodek her a bit. Oh, my add-math teacher is Narimah. I think. She's lazy a bit but totally genius! Well, i don't care. TRIAL-SPM is around the corner. My result still need to be sharpen a lot! especially ADD-MATH, SEJ, BM and CHEM!! T_T . That's all for today. Zzz, huaah!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

AFS programme.

yeah, i did sign up for the AFS programme which could help student to enhance their knowledge about other people's culture. this programme also provide student an opportunity to go to other country. i choose JAPAN! so i had to interview at PEJABAT DAERAH. so i had to prepare for myself. While i waiting for the interview,there is a game activity which prevent student to get bored. haha! well, i have to admit it, it's one hell FUN!!! sorry, i cant describe it for you guys but it's not about SEX. haha. okayh, my name were called. i caught a lil bit nervous. i looked student who just came out from the interview room, they dont seems sad. i felt relax a bit. "Zarif, come in please!" the interview called me. Dub Dab Dub Dab! my heart beats fastly.

interviewer: "good afternoon, how are you?"

zarif: "good afternoon, i'm fine, thank you!"

interviewer checked my application form for awhile.

interviewer: "so you did apply for the JAPAN,what do you know about that country?"

zarif: ''well, Japan has a unique culture. Ermm... it is known as a LAND OF THE RISING SUN which is compromises over 3000 islands. Japanese is also known as a strong nation, hard-working and
respect to each other. Japan is a successful in economics and has high achievement in SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY!''

interviewer: "good,good,good! but why you choose to go to JAPAN?"

zarif: ''well, i want to widen my knowledge and i am very keen to see their high speed train, Tokyo town, Kimonos, Sushis and many more.''

interviewer: ''okay, what do you know about Malaysian's culture?

zarif: "erm,what i know about Malaysia is that it has a different race with different culture and festival. for chinese, their celebration and festival is CHINESE NEW YEAR a.k.a THE LUNAR NEW YEAR....."

interviewer: what is LUNAR?

zarif: huh?? errr. MOON!

interviewer: okay. What is other name for SUN?

zarif: huhh?? errr. errrr. errrrrr. sorry, dont know.

interviewer: haha! it is SOLAR.

zarif: what? yeah! i almost want to say that!

interviewer: grr. okay, tell me about your co-curiculum.

zarif: when i was form3, i win......bla.....bla.....blaaa.....

interviewer: ohh. Who is our Sultan Selangor?

zarif: Sultan Sharrifuddin Idris Shah.

interviewer: good. how about RUKUN NEGARA?

zarif: kepercayaan kepada TUHAN
kesetiaan kepada raja dan negara
errr.soorrry, dont remember.

interviewer: what? every morning at school assembly, they never read RUKUN negara?

zarif: no.

interviewer: well, you have to. but it's okayh.

zarif: thank you.

interviewer: so, you are a science student. are you taking BIO?

zarif: no.

interviewer : Chem?

zarif: yess.

interviewer: oh no. i afraid i have to say this. the departure to JAPAN is much ealier than others and it is during your Chemistry Paper in SPM. so you cannot go to JAPAN unless you want to failes your CHEM.

zarif: omg. why should i want to fail my paper? no way.

interviewer: then, there is no way you can go there. But i suggest you go to USA.

zarif: errr. that one-year program? no thank you, ma'am.

interviewer: i'm sooryy.But you can apply again next year.haha. okay, that's all,Zarif.
you may go now.

zarif: thank you!

interviewer: okay.

i left with sadness.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


this whole 2 weeks is a holiday weeks. i felt happy because my grand-mother and father,mamacik's family and makcak are staying at my house for 1 week. i had joy and excitement for an activities such as Port Dickson trip and KENDURI kahwin at WAN NGAH house expecially SKATING at SUNWAY PIRAMID! hell yeah, i pro on skating. ^^. That's all. They are about to leave tomorrow. BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! huhhhh! T_T