Thursday, December 10, 2009

Game Over

huhhhhh, my backs hurt! I have beaten every subjects that i have planned to conquer about 2 years ago. All strategies and formations that i created and trying to get A's especially Addmath and Chemistry papers are quite effective.RAWR!. This game is called SPM. But, remember this, SPM won't end till the end of the world. Every students in MALAYSIA must suffer on this. Today is Thursday. I had enjoyed enough and now, i don't know what to do. hmmmm. I thinking of job and its salaries. Something easy job and bigger salary. I thinking of working at IKANO. heheheh. Well,the most IMPORTANT that i would like to think of is. MY FRIENDS! Don't you think i had battle this SPM all alone. heheheh. Alright. This is it.
GAME OVER, bebeh!


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